Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Avascular Necrosis And Stool Incontinence

Pillolone anti

Among the various mail received today: the accountant who sends me the balances Ici (but then calls me saying that I am wrong and refers them to me), some company announces big news that will revolutionize the wine market (but I say wine, Market, the whole market, indeed the whole world) and the newsletter of a great site (I say this without irony) that I will not name (Wired New York) announces that I like Francis has lost 45 pounds. Well done Frank, I say to myself. I open the newsletter and a company whose name I will not (Day & Night - Dmc) tells me that Rosa Morena and have limited their waistline any good Chilo using pillolone (and excuse the rhyme). Now, do not say what I think of Rosa, and Francesco Morena, nor even because of pilloloni diet because it could affect the opinion of one who is not even a doctor. But the board: who wants to lose weight goes from a dietitian and have a good diet is made to measure. Meanwhile, I will meditate on that form tonight cholesterol, various proteins and lipids that ingurgiterò. Health.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Prerunners Truck For Sale

belly white Merlot? Stuff from Switzerland (and elsewhere)

I tasted a merlot Switzerland. So far nothing special except that this is, or rather was, white. Already white, a nice bright yellow color and fresh aromas and pleasant, dominated by vanilla (fermented in barrel). The mouth is a beautiful wine, full and round, suitable combinations also important (but I've cooked it simple fillet of sea bass with fresh tomato sauce and basmati boiled). By the way, it produces Guido Brivio in Ticino, the vintage was in 2005 (but it gave me the impression of being able to keep a long time) and could cost (in wine shops honest) around 30 euro, not just words. But why did it come to producing a white merlot? Semplicissimus. Merlot red too, and so there was a few years ago, a producer Quelch was reminded of white vinification. In Switzerland it is a consolidated success, we will see in Italy.