Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Tell A North Face Jacket Is From Outlet


... and after the plums, peaches! impossible to resist the fruits of ... season peaches this time are not used to my work (this week over the wave of yellow plums, the fridge is full of tomatoes ....), but were nonetheless the product of the season in most avveo vglia this week end: sweet, juicy and firm .. perfect in combination with mini-nocciolini recently reported from Piedmont ...
The original recipe, which I know has come, I found the book on cooking with mom, but I had never tasted it made to her, included strawberries, which are no longer in the top list of the season, then replaced by peaches.
It 's a kind of souffleè of soft cake without flour, quick to make, good and successful! You can use the whole fruit you want depending on the season and combine spices and dried fruit to taste ... it's nice to serve in cocottine single portion.

. 200 g of fresh fruit and cut to pieces
. 80g sugar
. 4 eggs
. 60 g of nuts or macaroons
. butter for the mold

Wash the fruit and make it into pieces. Separate yolks and whites. Whip the egg yolks with sugar until light and fluffy and creamy and add the fruit. Crumble the macaroons and add them to the compound. Anev Whip the egg whites with a whisk and a pinch of salt. Once you have a stiff combine the egg whites into the mixture gently. Spilling the impaso into a mold (Or individual molds) buttered and floured. Bake for about 20 minutes in oven at 180 degrees, serve dusted with icing sugar.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Desert Eagle .50 For Sale Ohio


The garden, the garden, the orchard is a wonderful resource, especially during the summer when supply us with incomparable gifts with products from the supermarket .. the only problem is that the garden infamous propina you harvest all at once. Collision with the dispensation tonnelalte invaded by tomatoes, fruit baskets, buckets of zucchini is a sweet ... despair filled the fridge and freezer, made jams and marmalades, monothematic eaten for days and covered with gifts friends .. had leftovers a seprate quantitàincredibile. .... Then suddenly, the week after the tomato is silent, the plum tree is empty, the zucchini off ... you need it and do not produce more because the plant is vented all together.
This premise leads to a crisis: inavasione of yellow plum ... a weekend in Tuscany saw me return with a basket overflowing with sweet berries and golden ... Throw those rotten or wormy, supplied the study of fruit toMember attacks hunger for the whole week, I found myself with the fridge full solution ... before: breakfast every morning with plums, cereals and yogurt! Still half full ..
fridge trips the light .... Dolcino improvised, summer, cool and crisp ...

. 1 box (Inner packaging) of gold biscuits or biscuit type "marie"
. 50g butter
. 50 g sliced \u200b\u200balmonds
. plums at will (or other fruit and mixed)
. 2 packages greek yoghurt

Crumble the biscuits put the butter to melt gently in a saucepan, combine the almonds and biscuits and to mix and lightly toast. Wash and cut fruit into wedges and mix with yogurt. Pour into bowls or glasses, a bit 'to crumble in the background, then yogurt with fruit and top with crumble again at will.