Monday, November 23, 2009

Can Acupunture Cure Knee Cartilage Torn

Poems and creative state

Saturday, December 5, at 16.30, for Unison Jazz Restaurant presents the book of poems "Autumn Rose" Luana Gorza. The group Incontrarte read several songs with musical interludes by William Nisi, tenor sax, and Massimo Bustreo, piano.
followed by the inauguration of the exhibition "creative state" exhibition at the Gallery of Claudia Augusta Piazza Maggiore (Show: 5 to 13 December 2009).
The initiatives are aimed at raising funds for the associations AISM of Helping Hands of Belluno and Feltre.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nose Blocked Every Morning Why

Show Exhibition Lalla Morassutti

Within the framework of initiatives dedicated to Dino Buzzati, with inaugurzione October 10 at 18.30 with Antonella Morassutti readings will be on display until November 1st '09 works 1947/2009 Lalla Morassutti. Palazzo Guarnieri has an opening to the public on Friday and Saturday from 19.00 to 2.00. Sundays from 11.00 to 16.00. Meanwhile Unison Jazz Restaurant has launched the winter schedule, which provides, with the opening night on Friday and Saturday and lunch Sunday with opening of the premises from 11.00. On Friday, until May 2010, free concerts in the lobby of the building.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Free Sample Church Visitor Letter

We conclude Laboratories Jazz

Sunday, September 27 is the last day of the 2009 edition of Jazz Workshops. The images refer to Saturday 26 with the master Gibellini, Memoli, Abeni, Abrams and ..... evening jam session.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Twinges On Birth Control


Hamburger mediterranean style, or how to make it more appealing to a floppy mince ... the premise that I'm not a big fan of meat, but now I'm trying to polish the presence of carbohydrates or at least avoid the evening, I find the meat in the pot much more often than before (which was hardly ever ...).
One of these nights I faced having found the burger meat Piedmontese race-bred, butchered and assembled in Italy, which seemed promising ... The burgers are just cooked sula hot grill with a few grains of salt Mozia and served between two discs of baked vegetables (eggplant, peppers, zucchini ...) cut into cubes and put down into the drip tray on a sheet of baking paper and no seasoning. Depending on the size of the cubes of vegetables takes half an hour or three quarters of an hour because they are ready.
Meanwhile I made a dressing of extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper spray with which Once the vegetables are ready. As a further accompaniment I grill thick slices of tomato.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pink And Green Bars On Tv


For the series "vegetables from my garden, what to do?" the abundance of eggplant and tomatoes very welcome that supplies every two weeks to return from my fridge weekend in Tuscany, generates constant attempts to bring new things to the table (not always salad, caprese, grilled eggplant parmigiana or short ...).
The caponata is certainly not new, but it is for me, never felt before in my kitchen.
The recipe I followed in a little reality differs from the original versions that I consulted and compared, for example missing celery, aubergines I've just fried, but fried ...
But I must say that I defeated the fears that were too complex or too heavy a dish, a side dish came out very pleasant and did not take too long ...
see how I did: INGREDIENTS

- for 2 / 3 people
. 2 small or 1 regular eggplant
. 1 large tomato - I have the beef heart
. 1 onion
. 1 tablespoon of sugar
. extra virgin
. salt, pepper
pine nuts.
capers. green olives

In a pan heat the oil in the meantime, peel and chop the onion too finely. While the onion and fry in a pan with a little water, make the eggplant into chunks (if you want you can rest in salt to remove the bitterness, but I do not hardly ever ...). Saute the eggplant cubes and in the meantime to make the tomato and capers to desalinate (donated by a friend just back from Filicudi .. yum!) In warm water. Once the eggplants are well advanced to add the remaining ingredients and salt and pepper.
Add sugar and deglaze with the vinegar to taste sweet and sour taste of the second degree.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Belching After Flu Bug


Looking for cool boiling away from the metropolis in search of places that are not overcrowded, looking for nice places are still little known, of a great low cost holiday we went to the Baltic Sea.

a journey into the emerging countries of the European Union, a vacation "behind the Iron Curtain" to 20 years to the fall of the Berlin Wall that has brought us from Poland (Warsaw) to Russia (St. Petersburg) through the Baltic Republics ( Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn). We have discovered the fascinating capital, a pleasant resort on the sea \u200b\u200band lakes, beer at bargain prices and traditions such as the sweet banya.

focusing on those aspects related to this food blog, the first mention deserves the covered market in Riga, the largest in Europe, scenically located inside of 5 hangars where the Zeppelins were produced, a stone's throw from the historic center of the Latvian capital.


the fish sector where few qualities present (salmon, sturgeon, trout, carp, cod) are present in countless variations, mostly preserved (dried, marinated, cooked, smoked) or bizarrely presented (whole trays of heads of salmon, perhaps to prepare the soup, or pull up live carp from the tanks directly on the counter). Photogenic and banks of stored products, where boxes and boxes in their colorful and shiny metallic evening dress make it look more appealing products that contain, certainly not very attractive to those accustomed to the daily fresh Mediterranean products.

short range even on the benches, outdoor department fruits and vegetables: cucumbers (variety and size of a thousand - who would have thought-fresh or preserved), two or three colors of potatoes, onions, tomatoes and cabbages. Fantastic, eye and mouth, the berries an ... satisfaction scofanarsi pound of sweet raspberries for the price of a 125g Italian vaschettina that we make them seem a luxury for important tables. Quite amazing (although I hate wandering around in the butcher because they do not tolerate the smell) the hangar of the meat, especially abundant in poultry and pork in various forms (even whole hams still raw) and strange game (elk, deer, beavers ...) and where I was almost hit by a truck headed pig (grrrrr ....) driven to full speed.

Almost all women with the sale, strong Baltic of all ages and wonderfully flawed imparruccate, few people even among the buyers. And in general in those parts seem to be women to have in hand the everyday life of society, the overwhelming majority for example, to drive public transport.

Among the delicious taste, the Pierogi in Poland, spread in a variety such as "ravioli" (boiled with an outdoor meal more like Eastern Europe that our egg) or type panzerotto (baked with a Outdoor type bread dough). In both cases, the fillings are meat, meat and vegetables or just vegetables, spices ... served variously in Poland (I had already tasted in Krakow) pierogerie in which only serve this dish in many variations.

For Lithuania, flat land of forests and lakes, to signal the mushrooms and berries as well as a lot of game (wild boar, beaver, various birds ...). One of the more interesting things and are the typical cepelinai (huge potato dumplings, compact size of a fist, filled with minced meat and vegetables - but I have also eaten in small version, without filling and served with a sweet blueberry sauce - definitely insipid) and the national dish is the soup cold beet red (the color pink alien decided ... but all in all good).

Latvia seem famous (but are spread everywhere and remind bliyni Russians) for invented pancakes (flour or potatoes) served at every meal with a thousand sweet and savory combinations (eggs, ham, cheese, salmon, wild berry sauce, cottage cheese and so on and so forth).

Throughout this holiday we have accompanied the many local beers with what the menu in English is offered as snacks with beer "(in Russia the company is also" snack with vodka ", often based on herring ) which consists of sticks of brown bread-sometimes with fennel-fried in butter, I'm afraid! and nibble to accompany the drinks, sometimes dipped in creamy cheese sauce. Absolutely unhealthy but definitely very good, an unusual junk food! In some places you can drink beer with accompanying fish snack (which is no coincidence that they are not sold in supermarkets between chips and nuts, but always and only beer in the hallway): dried squid strips, small fish, salmon sticks ... I did stock up!

Monday, July 20, 2009

How To Tell A North Face Jacket Is From Outlet


... and after the plums, peaches! impossible to resist the fruits of ... season peaches this time are not used to my work (this week over the wave of yellow plums, the fridge is full of tomatoes ....), but were nonetheless the product of the season in most avveo vglia this week end: sweet, juicy and firm .. perfect in combination with mini-nocciolini recently reported from Piedmont ...
The original recipe, which I know has come, I found the book on cooking with mom, but I had never tasted it made to her, included strawberries, which are no longer in the top list of the season, then replaced by peaches.
It 's a kind of souffleè of soft cake without flour, quick to make, good and successful! You can use the whole fruit you want depending on the season and combine spices and dried fruit to taste ... it's nice to serve in cocottine single portion.

. 200 g of fresh fruit and cut to pieces
. 80g sugar
. 4 eggs
. 60 g of nuts or macaroons
. butter for the mold

Wash the fruit and make it into pieces. Separate yolks and whites. Whip the egg yolks with sugar until light and fluffy and creamy and add the fruit. Crumble the macaroons and add them to the compound. Anev Whip the egg whites with a whisk and a pinch of salt. Once you have a stiff combine the egg whites into the mixture gently. Spilling the impaso into a mold (Or individual molds) buttered and floured. Bake for about 20 minutes in oven at 180 degrees, serve dusted with icing sugar.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Desert Eagle .50 For Sale Ohio


The garden, the garden, the orchard is a wonderful resource, especially during the summer when supply us with incomparable gifts with products from the supermarket .. the only problem is that the garden infamous propina you harvest all at once. Collision with the dispensation tonnelalte invaded by tomatoes, fruit baskets, buckets of zucchini is a sweet ... despair filled the fridge and freezer, made jams and marmalades, monothematic eaten for days and covered with gifts friends .. had leftovers a seprate quantitàincredibile. .... Then suddenly, the week after the tomato is silent, the plum tree is empty, the zucchini off ... you need it and do not produce more because the plant is vented all together.
This premise leads to a crisis: inavasione of yellow plum ... a weekend in Tuscany saw me return with a basket overflowing with sweet berries and golden ... Throw those rotten or wormy, supplied the study of fruit toMember attacks hunger for the whole week, I found myself with the fridge full solution ... before: breakfast every morning with plums, cereals and yogurt! Still half full ..
fridge trips the light .... Dolcino improvised, summer, cool and crisp ...

. 1 box (Inner packaging) of gold biscuits or biscuit type "marie"
. 50g butter
. 50 g sliced \u200b\u200balmonds
. plums at will (or other fruit and mixed)
. 2 packages greek yoghurt

Crumble the biscuits put the butter to melt gently in a saucepan, combine the almonds and biscuits and to mix and lightly toast. Wash and cut fruit into wedges and mix with yogurt. Pour into bowls or glasses, a bit 'to crumble in the background, then yogurt with fruit and top with crumble again at will.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Los Hombres De Paco Watch Online English Sub


Try bikini, but not too much. First lazy, Saturday lunch, standing in just the first heat of the summer (May ah and Spring, you say? fano 30 degrees outside but ...), hungry, but wanted to light ... The first is
here this fast to make, (unless you want to stretch the dough), tasty, healthy and would benisimo in those diets that recommend experts to leavers who study in the heat and pressure and given to us quotidinamente in June (every June, every year ...) by the various news programs. Craboidrati, vegetables, cooking techniques, raw vegetable ...
The zucchini I cut them into strips with a potato peeler and I made them just burn along with the pasta (tagliatelle spelled), then topped with raw extra virgin olive oil, a sprinkling of mullet roe, black pepper and slivers of ricotta salata ... a pinch of red pepper if you like.

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the spaghetti with clams THE PINEWOOD

The spaghetti with clams are a classic dish, so classic that it seems there is nothing to say or to be invented, everyone has a "secret ingredient" (such as white wine, half a tablespoon of flour to mix, none of which put into practice by me ...) or proven technology.
This recipe, deceptively simple in reality creates a buonisisma version of spaghetti with clams, enough fresh shellfish, olive oil and a good pasta (I used to Gragnano Garofalo).
The recipe, which won the special prize of the Gambero Rosso, is the Zazzeri, amabilis chef de LaPineta Marina di Bibbona, charming cottage with a kitchen star between the beach and the Mediterranean on the Tuscan coast.
clams cooked in white with very good olive oil, garlic and chilli, spaghetti Gragnano cooked for only a few minutes and "finished" in a pan with a little cooking water.
The result is a dish very homogeneous, and the one with the seasoned pasta sauce.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Buy Wholesale Chickens


The rice cake and 'a classic sweet, simple, healthy ... in Tuscany that you like this place today, the whole rice with the ground or in the form of pastry, which is also a slices in bars and bakeries.
I personally like more 'this mode' preparation, that 'the result of a cake-pudding can also be made from semolina. It 's a soft, sweet, tastes like milk, snacks childhood: love it because it' is not artificial, chemical, and not 'very sweet that it also welcomes those who are not' too fan of dessert (and I have in a house that they like eating the cake in question !!!). Today I prepared the recipe of my mom, but in a small rectangular molds in order to serve garnished with sliced \u200b\u200bstrawberries good Italian first of May.

. 500 ml of milk
. 300 g rice cakes, like the St. Andrew
. 150 g sugar
. 80 g
butter. 3 eggs
. half cup of rum (if desired you add the grated rind of a lemon or organic raisins softened in liquor made).

for the strawberry sauce:
. 2 baskets of strawberries
. 3 tablespoons white sugar
. 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar good

She starts to boil the milk over low heat, when it begins to reach the boil add the rice and cook for 30-40 minutes.
You drain the rice, which now will have 'absorbed virtually all the milk and put in a bowl to cool. Add the remaining ingredients and mix well. Turn out the dough in a greased and floured baking pan and bake. Bake for 40/45 minutes, inside must 'be dry and golden above.

For the strawberry sauce: Wash the strawberries, depriving them of the stem and slice. Seasoned with sugar and vinegar and let it rest a bit 'in the fridge to get the sauce.
Serve the cake warm slices, garnished with strawberries.

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As you can see from the shot which took over a furtive hand intent on stealing a trophic steaming from the pan, the dish is successful!
A simple, fast, tasty, fresh of the first season: trofie fresh vegetables (zucchini and peas with garlic-based oil), ricotta cheese and cherry tomatoes, sauteed with a good grating of black pepper.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Denise Milani Maturbate


Fresca fresh back from business trip in Shanghai, I could not immediately take advantage of the memories imprinted in my mouth for a week of exotic meals. But having little time because the show takes over and a week's absence also means a lot of work accumulated leave a quieter weekend experiments on rice and noodles and fragrant rolls and dumplings ... For now I'm focused on a treat some fusion of my own two feet, based on the problem of how to use the crunchy bits Ginseng toasted honey bought in a delirious visit to a grocery store where I brought home all sorts of things from the attractive packaging and the content often mysterious by the absence of words in Latin characters.
sweets in the kitchen from the Far East are almost absent, at least as we understand them: to begin with are not nearly as sweet at all fruit and rice (in China) and beans (in Japan) and then missing cakes and yeast products, creams, creams, the ciocolati ...
So, not having tasted anything better, in the typical things that a wedding cake propitiatory billed as (sic) "sticky rice" and consists of a white sticky soup containing more sticky rice balls, I invented something vaguely exotic, but adequate for our tastes. In fact a good thing I've tasted it, but in a western restaurant (owned and Australian chefs and customers Anglo-Italian), a star anise ice cream cones served in crunchy almonds. It is simply carmella
mango in a pan with butter and brown sugar (and spice of ginger and cinnamon), served with vanilla ice cream and these delicious I must admit, fried sweet ginseng as a garnish.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Automatic Feeder For Rabbit

American Pie, not just a lucky string of zany films, but the very symbol of traditional American pastries, cake that Grandma Duck offers to cool on the windowsill of his farm, so to speak. In short, a myth for those who are not American, at least at the level of iconography.
This version, taken from the collection of cookbooks in the Corriere della Sera is very classic and buonissisma to eat hot with a side of vanilla ice cream.

. 2 rolls of pasta brisa - I had one, I made a discovery
variant part. 1 kg of golden apples
. 150g sugar (I've used the cane, because I prefer it in the matching with apples and spices, so the filling has a brownish tint of the picture)
. 1 tablespoon lemon juice (I, being devoid of this too ... I put LemoSoda :-P)
. 1 generous teaspoon of cinnamon, ginger
also wanting. 1 pinch nutmeg
. 2 tablespoons flour OO

Sbicca and cut apples into small pieces. Place them in a bowl, along with all other ingredients, stirring well to mix everything evenly. Roll the pasta brisa
the bottom of a round cake pan, pour the apple mixture in the center and turn the edges toward the center. Otherwise, cover with the second disc and tighten the borders, make 2 or 4 cuts on the upper surface of the disc.
Brush the dough surface with a bit of spiced apple juice and sugar that remains on the bottom of the bowl.
Bake at 180 degrees and bake for 30-40 minutes.
Serve still warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Invitation Letter To Brother


for fast post-fast snack. I have read in recent days that Sigrid has been tested and approved version raw in a salad of "his" and I wanted to sprout groped too ....
First, Brussels sprouts, like all his relatives, and 'olfactory pestiferous while cooking, as harmless from raw and my house ... thanks, second, and' really delicious and even more 'delicate when eaten in salad rather than steamed or stewed.
If we do not cook adds that holds even more 'in his tiny heart green all the good properties 'nutrients with it, so' small and so 'rich MadreNatura, you can not' do not like eating.
In this case, 'I felt at home in a quick lunch salad with Treviso, fennel and pine nuts, and I crunched along with the mo' of a sandwich on whole-grain crackers spread with bio Robiolino

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maplestory Where To Get Moon Stone Quest

March 8: CAKE Mimosa MA FACONNE

March 8, festival ', no party, mimosa,' mimosa no strippers ... I would say no, but intended as a mimosa-flowers-is', even throughout the spring, not only on the 8th March!, because it has a scent that I love her yellow ball and bring joy. Mimosa understood as the cake, usually no, I do not like crabs ... so I thought I'd do it my way.
So off to the yellow sponge cake, saffron, cream and pineapple are the ingredients of this sweet spring, plus a touch of basil in order not to miss the green of those funny little quilts that are the leaves of mimosa. I recently tasted a tavern in the Brianza a dessert of pineapple served with chopped basil leaves + lemon sorbet and mint. I was surprised by the extreme freshness of the combination pineapple / basil and a lack of aggressiveness of a 'grass that usually makes you feel much, but the sour taste of the exotic fruit that helps to dampen. View is taken, or rather tasted it and copied it! INGREDIENTS

for pan English
. 120g sugar
. 3 eggs
. 130 g flour
. 1 pinch of salt to the cream

. 2 egg
. 3 tablespoons sugar
. 2 tablespoons flour
. 250 ml milk

1 / 2 pineapple, cut into small cubes of 1 cm side
3 / 4 fresh basil leaves finely chopped
liqueur of your choice to wet the base-Grand Marnier and powdered sugar maraschino

ramettino a mimosa to decorate

PROCEDURE Prepare the sponge by mixing the sugar with the eggs until the mixture is smooth, sift flour with salt and add to mixture. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, pour into a baking bowl 20/22cm, previously greased and floured. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour. Once ready, remove from oven and let cool. Meanwhile prepare the filling: Heat the milk in a saucepan and stir in the cold part of the eggs and Zuccero until mixture is smooth and yellow, add flour, stirring constantly, and finally milk already hot. Turn on low heat under the skillet and stir briefly until the cream is well cooked, homogeneous smooth. Remove cream from heat, pour into a container and cover well with plastic wrap to prevent cold, forms a solid crust on the surface. Meanwhile peel and slice the pineapple cubes and chop the basil rather small, mixing it with pineapple.
Once the cold sponge, then remove from pan and gently cut in half.
Sprinkle the halves with the liqueur and pineapple juice that will be collected. Spread the cream with a spatula under the cake, cosparergere with plenty of pineapple and cover with the top cap. Garnish with powdered sugar, pineapple and even a sprig of mimosa. W the women!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Compressed Air Can Refillable


Winter is hopefully on its last legs - even though Milan is now a gray, a grigioooo - so I have to hurry to post this recipe for a cake typical winter Chestnut steps before the desire to give way to sweet Easter.
Castagnaccio you many places, this is the Tuscan version, very different from what you do, for example here in Lombardy, which is very high and quite frankly for me as it is almost inedible densae spongy. This here is the chestnut cake , Lucchese name that refers to everything that is done based on chestnuts: the flour is called chestnut flour or cake flour , then we have the pancakes that call, obviously ! chestnut pancakes and then we have necci which are like pancakes cooked in the texts and Lucca are bought, for example, in pizza-cut along with pizza and chick. All these sweets are eaten with the ricotta-for lightness!
This cake is low and crisp, flavored with orange zest, pine nuts, walnuts and rosemary and sprinkled on the surface with olive oil. 'S one of those sweet, like pie in the herbs and savory ingredients that contain Scarpaccia Versilia, which take place in Lucca. The cake is a herb stuffing of spinach, parsley, pine nuts, raisins, parmesan cheese and a pasta such as shortbread crumbles; Scarpaccia the other hand, is a sweet cake, but there is also in salt, which is done in summer with the zucchini.
But they will concentrate on other posts ... neccio!

.200 g chestnut flour
pine nuts.
untreated orange peel.
a little oil. a pinch of salt

This cake is simplicity embarrassing ...
pouring the flour into a bowl and add water to the eye, stirring constantly, for a compound to be very liquid without lumps.
Then add the other ingredients to taste, pour into a low, wide pan and sprinkles it all with oil unfilo Ages. It
bake and cook until it is crispy and golden and cracked throughout the surface.
Like all things made with chestnuts this cake is sweet, but it is very aromatic and then eaten with rich fresh ricotta.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Is Pre-pyloric Ulcer


The risotto is my food .. Sunday despite not being at home rather than Lombard lasagna the first Sunday lunch is the risotto, maybe it will be because it takes a little longer to do so with respect to any pasta and lends itself less to a dinner to improvise back home at eight in the evening ...
So now, especially since I became "Lombard adoption" (actually I admit, I do not want the people of Milan, I do not feel it at all ...), I dedicate myself to continuing the tradition in my Sunday risotto Milanese. .. This
, soft taste and delicate vegetables provides your choice (onions, carrots and peas in my case because it was what I had) and a final with creaming butter and curls raspadura Lodi - beautiful, with its bands, also for decoration.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Salmon Croquettes, No Egg


La Befana, in my part of Lucca (not in the rest of Tuscany), in addition to being the old lady who dispenses gifts and coal to bad and good on the night of the Epiphany is the name of these delicious cookies " to soak, "which is prepared by January 5, pending the arrival of the party.
Some call them "befanini.
now are, if not all year, at least during the period Winter in bakeries and pastry shops, but once they were preparing at home for just this occasion.
Every family has its own recipe, handed down from grandmother to mother to daughter. I use this, a little altered from the original, is to Elda Carlotti, my teacher of Italian and Latin in high school, very good cook and author of a valuable book of recipes, cakes, "cakes, buns, cakes and pancakes" edited by Maria Pacini Fazzi (publisher of Lucca, among other things, a delightful collection of monographic booklets about cooking).
In essence this "witch" is a crumbly pastry scented with orange and sambuca (or rum), delicious dipped in milk, tea, in Vin Santo ( we like to dip the cookies in Vin Santo ...). INGREDIENTS

. 1kg flour
. 500g sugar
. 500g butter
. 2 packets of yeast
. 5 eggs
. grated rind of 1 orange and 1 lemon biological
. 1 / 2 glass of sambuca
. 1 / 2 cup of orange juice
. 1 pinch of salt
. water and sugar or 1 beaten egg yolk to brush on biscuits
. Chicchino colored sugar (required, otherwise it is not true witch ....!!!!)


Place the flour, sifted with the baking powder into a heap, pour sugar in the middle, then the eggs and mix with the mix well by hand so the eggs and sugar, add then the melted butter and warmed. Mix well, gradually adding all the other ingredients.
should come out a smooth, like a pastry.
Divide the ball into smaller pieces composed of standby with a rolling pin to a thickness of about half a centimeter. Cut cookies with cutters as desired, place on a grid covered with parchment paper, spennallarli with water and sugar or with the beaten egg yolk (the sugar water and shiny enough, the egg yolk color a little yellowish) and sprinkle with colored grains . Bake at 180 degrees for about 10 min.