Sunday, April 4, 2010

How Much To Get Bathroom Fan Installed


Tuscany is a land of simple dishes, mainly based on vegetables and legumes. This spring soup dish which I write about today was the rich merchant families of Lucca, while the peasants and the less poor population eats the "soup frantoiana" made with black cabbage, beans and dried bread soaked sprinkled with olive oil, hence the name, the wealthy could afford even the most prestigious and vegetable soup carne.Questa noble sees it Typical of spring vegetables (beans, peas, artichokes and asparagus) and ground beef. It 'as very good and hot soup in a revised version invented by my mother as a pasta sauce (basically a white sauce with vegetables). Plus, needless to say, it is healthy to the max.

Ingredients - for 4 / 6 persons

. 1 fresh onion or a shallot
. 100g fresh broad beans
poor. 2
spiny artichokes. 1 / 2 bunch asparagus
. 1oo g fresh peas
. 100 g ground beef
. salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil


In a large pot and high-sided, sauté the shallot or onion, finely chopped 3 or 4 tablespoons oil. When it is well browned, add the meat and cook enough. Then add gradually, depending on the weather that we use to cook the vegetables: beans, artichokes, cut into thin slices, peas and asparagus, deprived of tips will be added until later because it is not blatant.
Add the broth, as desired - I do not like the soup liquid trope - and cook for half an hour. Serve warm with a drizzle of olive oil directly into the pot.
In the "dry" for pasta, you do not add stock and you shoot well, stir in a bit 'of butter in the dough time to jump into the pot. Add grated Parmesan or pecorino.


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