Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Long Dose Robaxin Stay In Your System

This recipe I have tasted from a colleague, Tamerici recipe, she made some changes, but I have not taken note of the changes and then I made it as such! Delicious, moist cake and a soft, delicious .. to do!

Ingredients: 170 gr butter
170 gr sugar 4 eggs 100 gr flour
10 grams baking powder 80 g cake flour 00
80 g dark chocolate flakes (I used the drops)

Place the softened butter with sugar until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Sift the flour with the baking powder. If you do not find the meal you fatevela pistachios, chopped pistachios very cold (keep them a couple of hours in the freezer before you chop them) along with a spoonful of sugar in the recipe. The cold of pistachios offset the heat of friction of the blades, preventing leakage of oil and sugar absorb quell'eventuale part that comes out anyway, thus saving the taste of the fruit. Combined with an egg at a time to the mass of butter and sugar, using a spoon mix of dust from one to the other if the emulsion is found to be too difficult. The water contained in the album could mix it with butter fat with some difficulty. Stir in the remaining dust, and finally the chocolate. Bake in a buttered and floured mold at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. Let cool and enjoy it .. wonderful!


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