Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where Can I Buy 100 Pipers Scotch

I feel a little bit like saying ..... cheated!

Saturday I went to a boutique in my town where years ago I had already bought a leather jacket to 130 €.
Journey and I look around, and known only a model. I look at the order and ask him.
- Leather jackets have only these?
- you

Then I'll take two, an S and M and I go to the dressing room.

`Here comes another one to see how committed they were to me .... and also to ask her.

- Leather jackets have only these?
- Yes, I do not know if they will reach the others. Anyway, the jacket you're `good and the price is great, then if you want to see upstairs if they have other` But you know prices are quite different
(upstairs have all branded stuff).

Then I take the S and I go to cash.

I go home happy and content with my new leather jacket and a known thing ..... on the label is written inside `c IMITATION LEATHER.

WHAT ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

I paid 90 euro a fake leather jacket ?!?!?!?! A leather jacket, pretend I can not pay more than € 90 20/40!

Now MONDAY I have to go back and make them fire and flames to give me money, I have stated twice that I wanted a leather jacket, with `is possible that no one has told me it was fake leather??

I am not an expert in skin but fuck, I feel cheated!

Can You Mix Benzonatate With Painkillers

Black rice pudding SUMMER

sudden desire to summer ... It was a bit 'I was looking for a recipe with black rice, I was always inspired pairing with fish, so I have changed a bit' a dish I had eaten a few months ago, when it was hot, and I've created!


250 g of black rice

10 cherry tomatoes 1 zucchini

some shrimp (for convenience I used the precooked foodblogger not buy, you if you take some more good tail shrimp and cook briefly ..)

olive oil and salt to taste

lemon peel qb


cook the black rice rice is quite long compared to "normal" to which we are accustomed to, it takes about half an hour, then you will have plenty of time to prepare the sauce while cooking rice . I blanched zucchini cut into wedges (cut into 4 lengthwise and then into slices) in a little olive oil and added the tomatoes into quarters, seeded. Fast cooking so that the vegetables remain crisp and well colored, not faded completely. Kingdom and finally the shrimp, season with salt, and seasoned with a sprinkling of lemon zest. Drain the rice, together with the dressing and let stand a couple of minutes in aluminum cups, then ready to be processed. A guaranteed before summer!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Year Camillus Cuda Maxx Was First Made

Donna. Musician. Nicoletta Manzini. Power of the sax. On March 4, Jade

Donna. Musician. Nicoletta Manzini. Power of the sax. And Friday, March 11, the Music Theatre of Unison has heard. Along with the bass and drums Luca Pisani Massimo Chiarella. Loud notes. Light music. Another new feature of Friday with free admission.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bestb Vintage Receiver

Bach Flower

years ago I had a cure of bach flowers for all my Paturnie ... and because I feel like maybe you should try again.

as always I did this test

These are some flowers that I have left in that test because sometimes I do not understand the question and click by chance that in the end I sorted out all of that come out.


These flower remedies are the most important at this moment:


Mood "locked" You wake up in the morning tired and not fully fit, then you're better off moving up to the disappearance of fatigue. The symptom of Monday morning. Fatigue is shown especially in the mental, such as burnout.

The starting point is the problem of people who then disappears Hornbeam starting to move both physically and mentally. Often they need to start stimulants like coffee.

Mood "transformed" Every day is a new beginning and gives vitality and stimulate growth. It is mentally and physically fresh and lively.


Noia for the newspaper

fatigue especially in the morning and then passes

Apathy on Monday morning

mental fatigue

Fatigue fading with news

Saturation mental

doubts about his strength

stress from excessive study

for lack of Indecision forces

Tired eyes


Mood "locked" You do everything in a hurry, going from one thing to ' other. People do not slow are born, so that you prefer to be alone at their own pace, rather than behind the times of others.

If the reading characteristics of this flower is thought that then becomes slow, this flower for us. Impatiens can not stand the slow pace and often tend to push yourself than to wait for "snail" by increasing their level of stress.

Impatiens People need to learn that speed is not the same frenzy. Another symptom is the intractability of Impatiens just wake up.

Mood "transformed" : You live your own pace and that of others with patience and availability.


advice and does not tolerate interference


idealism and impatience

Hyperactivity why we continually moves

nuisance for the setbacks

Stuttering for fast

Bulimia after eating due to excessive consumption of energy

Bulimia with excessive hunger so we can become aggressive

aggressiveness due to impatience

Decisions Hasty

neck stretched

accidents due to excessive haste



State 's mind "locked" appeared offended by someone or something. You do not feel sufficiently rewarded and loved in life, despite the efforts. It is thought that most others have been rewarded for what they did.

Grudge, more or less concealed envy towards those who unjustly considers more fortunate. You feel self-pity the unfortunate and there wasting their energy into resentment.
Blaming others is a way to avoid facing their responsibilities. Positive in the state you fight back by focusing on themselves.

Mood "transformed" It is the architect of his fortune, they feel protected and helped in achieving the just merits.


Grudge bitterly

self-pity because we feel victims of fate

feeling of injustice for evidence that you do not deserve to have to overcome

Bitterness is considered unlucky because there

Envy with resentment

You feel victims of adversity

Bitterness that causes lack of interest

Bitterness with discouragement

Lack of gratitude

Bitterness inner


anger does not explode with anger


depression with mood


Mood "locked" : You want good for others, but it will be reciprocated. You are concerned for others in such a way that they can also check anyway. It keeps the house impeccably, stress is stress. Not been sufficiently loved what you did for them.

Classic character of the manipulator in question that probably will not easily accept this definition. But if you often think, after everything I've done, look how he treats me ... So is the case to take into Chicory account.

Mood "transformed" can understand the true quality of love. It is from 'protection and security to others in complete autonomy.


Pride in their home

jealousy and possessiveness with the one you love with possessiveness

need to manipulate others

The parent in need of the series do to receive

jealousy possessiveness

easy plant

There feel loved with self-pity

Love exaggerated Home

Hypochondriasis to get attention

meddling in the affairs of others with critical

helplessness in parents when their children become independent

depression for not being loved

Need awards

Greed greed as

Desire for control with authoritarianism

Abandonment, for parents who complain when their children are on their way

Need Order in the model home

Love as possessiveness towards others

Flowers following are less important than others, but you should consider too:


Mood "locked" suddenly down mood, without knowing the cause. It is as shrouded in a black cloud which suddenly as it came, so he leaves.

depression and mood changes in Mustard, the Instead of Gentian, not from a precise cause. The mood changes quickly and often for no reason even though you have everything you want does not feel happy.

Mustard is very useful in premenstrual mood swings.

Mood "transformed" : You rediscover the values \u200b\u200bof peace and accept the changes with the confidence to achieve the goal


endogenous depression

pain without cause

Depression that comes and goes without reason

depression for unknown reason


Menstruation with instability

Alternation sudden mood


What do you think? I do not really feel like this?
Why not try it too? I'm really curious to see what comes out!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Old Lady Cartoons Maxine

MES macarons

... or maybe I should write MON macaron chocolat, because the only, come and say the only (but very ugly ' is ..) is one of the photo. The others? Shattered ... Here, I played the last supporters arrived, and maybe even older! Well .. we say that this post may be helpful in understanding what NOT to do to prepare for the macarons! I had seen and checked by Acquolina and Pinella obviously perfect, and so, thanks this dream, I convinced myself to do it. First step, decide which recipe to make! I opted for Mercotte , I found your site on the dose, in this video the details of the procedure, I was convinced I could not fail! I chose the version with French meringue, the fact of not having to cook sugar me made them seem easier. Unfortunately I forgot that the Italian meringue is much, much more stable .. and perhaps this has affected the result! A few days ago I bought the book Macaron José Marechal, and from there it seems that if the shells crack, as well as a macaronnage (ie the movement which combines meringue and tpt) much too which may have removed the egg white, can be "guilty" of an insufficient period of rest of the shells before cooking, during which it forms a crust on the surface that "contains" the dough .. ok, I did not understand what I've been wrong but for sure it was a complete disaster. Here are some photos taken from the gallery of horrors ... You see the shells cracked and deflate, without collar, which never left to die by either baking paper .. What a disappointment!

The only thing that has saved the ganache, which when I cold mounted and served with hazelnut ..

.. or nuts and cubes of pear ..

Oh well, I leave you the recipe because I am equally convinced that someone cleverer than me will easily be able to do ..

For the macarons:
130 grams almond flour 220 g
sugar 4 egg whites at room temperature
60 g sugar 20 g cocoa
For the ganache chocolate (C. Felder)
200 gr cream 1 tablespoon sugar hot
250 g dark chocolate 60 g butter 40%

Procedure: Prepare the macarons
: sift flour almonds, cocoa and sugar. Beat the egg whites gradually adding the granulated sugar. Stir in flour with a silicone spatula (macaronnage) until the mixture is smooth, but without removing the egg whites. Create a pocket of buttons on a sheet of wax paper and let air even a few hours to talk "croùter" or to ensure that you create a pellicolina surface. Then bake at 140 degrees for about 12 minutes (but always on your oven). Then remove them from the pan and place it on a cold surface or just damp so that the steam developed facilitates the separation of shells from the paper. While crude shells resting you can prepare the ganache: Boil the cream and sugar, melt the chocolate and add it to the cream in a circular motion to uniform the compound. Combine the butter into small pieces, let cool and store in refrigerator. Once cool mount with whips.

Well, next time I try the recipe with Italian meringue, if you want to try this .. Good luck!

PS: sorry for the long absence, are increasingly taken up by preparations for the children, the forces are less and less and this week I also had some pains, fortunately without consequences alarm back! I promise to apply a little more at least in the latter months of freedom I have left!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Short Pink Dress With Sparkles Poofy

Vianello (Friday unison) Unison

March. Female. More music. The stage tonight Unison, 4, Jade Vianello. Simple, with Maurizio Filippi on guitar, sweet, this, kind, warm. We are talking of. And each time, Every Friday, we discover new, skill, ability, talent. We also remember Friday, February 25, with David Roar, trumpet, and Mark Ponchiroli floor. Alessia Obino, voice of the trio, was affected. Them, they performed the same. The show goes on. Every Friday. Piazza Maggiore, Feltre.
Below: Mark and David Ponchiroli Boato

Friday, February 25, 2011

Can Scrub Circulon With Copper


A chocolate fast, made a few days ago. I used a mold of Silkomart heart, and inside there were some suggestions for use. Very simple, we start with a similtemperaggio, melting a portion of dark chocolate, then adding a non-fused, and then heating the mixture slightly. Poured into molds, well beaten, stuffed with all a pistachio, and facts coagulate. Here they are ready for tasting.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Long Dose Robaxin Stay In Your System

This recipe I have tasted from a colleague, Tamerici recipe, she made some changes, but I have not taken note of the changes and then I made it as such! Delicious, moist cake and a soft, delicious .. to do!

Ingredients: 170 gr butter
170 gr sugar 4 eggs 100 gr flour
10 grams baking powder 80 g cake flour 00
80 g dark chocolate flakes (I used the drops)

Place the softened butter with sugar until mixture is puffy and fluffy. Sift the flour with the baking powder. If you do not find the meal you fatevela pistachios, chopped pistachios very cold (keep them a couple of hours in the freezer before you chop them) along with a spoonful of sugar in the recipe. The cold of pistachios offset the heat of friction of the blades, preventing leakage of oil and sugar absorb quell'eventuale part that comes out anyway, thus saving the taste of the fruit. Combined with an egg at a time to the mass of butter and sugar, using a spoon mix of dust from one to the other if the emulsion is found to be too difficult. The water contained in the album could mix it with butter fat with some difficulty. Stir in the remaining dust, and finally the chocolate. Bake in a buttered and floured mold at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes. Let cool and enjoy it .. wonderful!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ewcm Before And After Period

Jazz Theatre: small square on a large square. The pleasure of Friday. February 18 with 4et Fasoli.

Spaces Unison is now a small square Piazza Maggiore. Also Friday, February 18 at the Claudio Fasoli Quartet has delighted and meetings. Claudio Fasoli, is depicted in the photo gallery of Unison, a concert in 2005. In return, 2011, the formation of the night saw him together with the drummer in Schio (VI) Gianni Bertoncini and brothers of Montecchio (VI) Michele Calgaro, guitar, and Calgaro Lorenzo, bass.
The exhibition, which is important for the long history of musical Fasoli - Perigeo from the seventies to the participation of concerts with the great musicians of the International - brought to the attention of numerous public and Calgaro Bertoncini. The latter, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe process professional, has returned from a long series of concerts almost daily with Cheryl Porter, the jazz gospel.
The images also offer a few moments of relaxation in the evening.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Email About Arrival Of The New Baby


loosely based on a recipe from a recent cooking class .. really good, try it! I propose that the version of finger in small glasses, but can be served in portions a little more abundantly as the opening of an important dinner, or directly as a first course. I put the labels "vegetarian" because I loved the crispy bacon can safely be omitted (actually in the original recipe was not there but I like it!)

Ingredients: 600 g porcini
(milkshakes as they will go well frozen ones) 2 medium potatoes
vegetable broth salt and pepper to taste
medium shallot
200 grams of whole milk
100 gr grated pecorino cheese
200 grams of fresh cream
50 g bacon Smoked

The first thing is to soak the cheese in milk, and leave it there even 2 or 3 hours. After this time a fire and melt the cheese, making sure that they can blend the two ingredients. Strain the milk and put the liquid in the siphon with the cream, loaded with cartridge and refrigerate. Cook the mushrooms, cut into pieces in a little olive oil on high flame, shedding a few at a time, by opening them continuously to ensure that evaporate the water they contain and release, without "suffocating". Apart from brown the chopped shallots in a little oil, add mushrooms and potatoes in small cubes. Add some broth and cook. Blend and season with salt and pepper. In a separate pan crisp the bacon, making it go until the fat-free surface is burnished. It remains to assemble the glass: Pour a small ladle to the bottom of cream of mushroom, and some diced bacon. The final touch will be a spike of cheese and a sprinkling of black pepper.

For those not siphon enough whipping cream and mix it by hand to the mixture of milk and cheese has cooled. You can decorate the glass using a pastry bag with star tip .

With this recipe I participate in the contest "Finger food" Saretta, although this glass is to use a spoon, I hope it is also possible to participate ...
.. (No, I invent the other!

.. and the collection of Verrines Enza (thanks to the grant ..)

Cost Of A Lifetime Fitness Membership

From Messina to Feltre: Tony Canto, with liberty and Modugno.

A concert on Sunday night, you know, is difficult. Yet people come. On stage Unison Music Theatre, Tony Canto. Solo voice and guitar. When the show begins appearing Sicily and Messina. Check Domenico Modugno. A Mariù De Sica. There is also "are Italian Federal" and a quote from Pessoa, which is more or less like this: "to renounce all ambition is the first step towards freedom." Tony Canto is presenting his CD, "La Strada". By the sound, how it describes, as he loves the music and life is a good bet that road, it will do so. A surprise from Messina, in unison of Feltre. We hope to see him again, soon.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Static Off Microfiber Blanket

are worse than a child, I find it hard to eat vegetables, but if only a little trick I .. then yes, I eat! So, now that my pregnancy is low stocks of iron, I decided to combine with spinach. Besides, if it works with Popeye ... But not so in leaf, no no, well dressed! Oh well, the doctor gave me the same tablets, but in the meantime I found out a beautiful thing to see and good to eat, as well as all-vegetable, if we do not consider those 20/25 gr diced bacon, but it actually took me only because I had opened a package the day before and had not over, I throw it sorry, but the taste does not feel, you can safely leave it out!

Ingredients: One roll of
rectangular puff pastry ready (but nooo ... the homemade one, I recommend !!!!!...)
600 g frozen spinach
about 25 grams of diced bacon
3 / 4 slices of pear syrup
a handful of chopped hazelnuts
a small mozzarella
A yolk for brushing

Cook spinach in boiling water, drain well and once ready. Brush up in a pan where you melted the fat of the bacon to flavor a little. Again, this step can be omitted. Remove from pan and cool them, cut them for the purpose, add the pear and the cheese into small cubes and about half of the hazelnuts, creating a homogeneous mixture. Roll out the dough, fill, and rewind. Closed the center and brush the strudel to attack the remaining chopped hazelnuts. Dilute the remaining egg and brush the sides of the strudel, so that colors are less in the center. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for half an hour or until golden brown pasta. Serve warm.

Here is the inside of the strudel

With this recipe I participate in the Weekend Herb Blogging # 270 hosted this week by Cindystar , here his post to call
With Haali
, the organizer
With Kalyn, the founder
With Bri , organizer Italian

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Multiple Cortisone Injections Acne Cyst


A greedy sister, a husband who is almost but not all, and a blogger who likes to make cakes .. well .. simple, I make them and present them! So when a few days ago, "Cogny" sends me an email with a photo of a Nutella tart with message "When you do not know what to do .." here that do the grocery shopping list, I bring the ingredients and begin to knead! I put a lot of Nutella, I noticed especially looking at the picture of the slice, then the weights in the ingredients are already resized to a more normal dose .. this has been renamed "Nutella crust "certainly not wrong! The mold I used is that of Cuki, a blind eye to 28 cm in diameter ..

For the pastry: 350 gr flour
50 grams hazelnut flour (even if you do not have all 00 of the hazelnuts on hand)
2 eggs 170 g sugar 200 g butter
a pinch of salt (not necessary if you use a lightly salted butter)
For the filling:
500 grams of Nutella (pictured are 750 if you want to adjust it yourself)

Mix the flour with a pastry starting with a pinch of salt and the butter cut into cubes, sand, and when you have a fairly homogeneous mixture add the eggs. Mix quickly and put everything into the fridge to rest for half an hour to thicken. Roll out the dough and line the mold. I have given rest in the fridge also lined the mold to make sure that the heat entering chock oven bake the dough immediately without giving time to the butter melt and then the dough will fall from the mold. Okay now the Italian is an option but I hope you understand what I mean, the blow would have to capture all the heat .. :-) Obtain the strips of dough and refrigerate them too, so will be easier to handle. While the dough cools again fill the bottom of the cake with Nutella in industrial quantities .. to shovel away! To facilitate the work I have warmed slightly in the micro. Decorate the pie with strips and bake in oven at 190 degrees for about 40 minutes. Let it cool thoroughly before throw. I have not tried it but I have ensured that it was very good!

And here is the slice of the bomb (not only of goodness but, unfortunately ..)

.. and with a day of delay, I sent it to the collection of recipes, not only the World Nutella Day 2011! Tomorrow, the publication of all the collections, look here

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Esophagus Pain Sensative To Touch


And here I am with the last Christmas gift to friends and relatives, and being in February is not bad .. I got the recipe from the blog Anise and Cinnamon Paoletta, his post here. She gives doses of spoons and teaspoons, I having prepared many doses even remember doing the conversion to grams, for convenience, but given the time that has passed I lost the package, then I copy verbatim from her.

Serves 12 cups:
180 grams of dark chocolate from 55% to 65%
12 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
4 tablespoons of sugar cane
8 tablespoons granulated sugar
12 teaspoons of potato starch

procedure :
Spray mixer with the blades in dark chocolate making sure to mix intermittently or the chocolate melts.
Put it in a airtight jar with all the other ingredients and mix well. Store in a cool, dry place.

1 cup Preparation:
Put in a saucepan and melt 3 tablespoons of prepared by pouring 150 ml of milk a little at a time, stirring well with a spoon Dissolve powder well, and being careful not to make lumps. When the milk is completely in the pan, place over low heat, stirring constantly, and wait the boil. Allow to thicken while cooling, bearing in mind that thickens, then leave it a little slower, or solidify!

PS: for all those who have received ... I have not heard anything, there is at least liked ??????